From the founder
Growing up, I witnessed my father create his mortgage broking firm from scratch. He approached it brick by brick initially, then eventually more strategically, like manoeuvring chess pieces ahead of time. Over the course of twenty years, he grew the company from a one-man operation at home (the backyard decking being his boardroom), into an award-winning network of brokers, consistently topping national league tables annually. With no intention of sounding inflated, his achievement is further is underscored by the additional headwind he faced having arrived in Australia speaking very little English.
The success of my father’s creation is not unique, nor his achievements unsurpassed by others. There have been many other bigger and faster growing companies created since then. But I raise this example with only a small nod to the outcome. The main course is reserved for the mentality and process of founding a company. The drive and hunger founders exude, to will their company into growth is what showcases the best of human nature. And this very essence of not accepting the status quo, to stare into the face of quick short-term profits, turn them down in favour of truly generational growth, to create a company that spans more than a lifetime; this same ethos is the very genesis of the world’s largest companies today. When owners and managers are truly aligned for the long-term instead of annual personal bonuses, corporate magic happens.
I would be reminded by this lesson time and time again during my career as a financial regulator, consultant and investment banker. The very best companies I worked with all exhibited the same traits. That same spirit as what I witnessed in my father. And like a recurring dream, it took a while for me to recognise these patterns of long-term success, especially given my role at the time was deep in company lines, focused on strategic execution and practical implementation. It was only when I zoomed out and donned the lens of an investor that these previously disparate observations began to click together.
The foundations of highly successful companies are set with the same brand of concrete – a relentless long-term view and ability to make strategic choices with zero regard for short-term market expectations (which in practice is much harder than theory suggests). This special brand of concrete can only be made when an over-arching guiding hand of a founder has the clear and majority influence to unequivocally decide what is in the best interests of the company over the long-term.
In business, never underestimate the importance of ‘skin in the game’.
And this is how I invest. I uncover the best. The best founder-led companies around the world, before they become mainstream. I look for the game changers, the legacy makers. Founders who are creating something beyond their lifetime. Our strategy navigates the naturally advantageous universe of founder-led companies but refines further to select only those of the highest quality. This how our success is achieved.
Happy compounding,
Lawrence Lam

As the Founder and Managing Director of Lumenary Investment Management, Lawrence specialises in global equities with a focus on founder-led opportunities. His expertise spans transaction advisory, risk management, and financial regulation, honed through roles at Deloitte, Royal Bank of Scotland, MUFG, and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Lawrence is also a trusted consultant to boards and family offices, advising on investment strategies that integrate financial returns with philanthropic goals.
Lawrence Lam is the author of The Founder Effect, a book that explores the essential traits of successful executive teams and governance structures that drive sustainable growth. Drawing from over two decades of experience in financial services and investment management, Lawrence is a recognised thought leader in aligning investment strategies with long-term value creation.

Nick is an investment industry professional with over 15 years' industry experience spanning superannuation, banking, financial markets, and investment management.
Nick's most recent role was as the Head of Portfolio Management for Future Super where he was responsible for the development and implementation of the group's investment strategy, and for the management and oversight of over $6 billion in FUM, including over $1.5 billion in ethically-invested FUM.
Prior to Future Super Nick held several positions across organizations in banking and finance including National Australia Bank, Dimensional Fund Advisors, and Deloitte in areas such as portfolio management and trading, economic research, and data analysis/programming.
Nick is passionate about sustainable investment and ESG and working with clients to improve investment outcomes.

Phil has over 20 years of management experience operating at CEO, Managing Director and Board level across Australia, Asia and the UK. Phil is currently also a Non Executive Director of Credit Corp Group Limited (ASX:CCP) and Chairman of Xpon Technologies.
Phil’s previous roles include CEO and Managing Director of Countplus Ltd (ASX:CUP), CEO of Total Financial Solutions Australia, a financial advisory network, and Head of Credit Cards at Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Phil was also previously Founder & Managing Director of Aris and Associates, a management consulting firm. Phil brings significant experience growing businesses from the ground up and now provides strategic input to Lumenary.
- Master of Management – Macquarie Graduate School of Management
- Bachelor of Economics – University of Western Australia
- Diploma of Financial Services, Financial Planning – FPA

Ian is a pharmacist, entrepreneur, board director and national advocate. He has spent over 30 years in advocacy and board roles at state and national level. Ian is a former Chairman of Guildlink and Director of Guild Group, a national general and professional indemnity insurer to most allied health practitioners in Australia. Guild Group is also the trustee for Guild Super and Childcare Superannuation funds.
As an entrepreneur, Ian has previously established and grown pharmaceutical and medical practices, as well as a complimentary medicines business that became a multinational manufacturer and distributor across Australia, Singapore and the Middle East.
Ian brings a deep understanding a range of industries and understands the true value of businesses which possess a founder’s spirit.
- Master of Business Administration – University of Adelaide
- Graduate Diploma in Company Directorship – University of New England
- Bachelor of Pharmacy – University of South Australia